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Trustee Vacancies


Shocking Pink is currently looking for experienced people to fulfill positions on our board of trustees.

The commitment is 6 meetings a year (one meeting every 2 months). including an annual AGM. Apart from the AGM which requires attendance in person, each meeting is online and about an hour long, then what ever tasks needed to be fulfilled there after.

The positions of chairperson and treasurer are currently vacant due to the resignation of two of our board members who have had to stand down from their positions due to life commitments this year. Debbie Casson and Tracey Fleming have done a wonderful job supporting Shocking Pink in their role and we are sad to see them leave the board.

The below positions are empty and the board are excited to fill these with enthusiastic, positive and productive people who are right for the role. These positions have been filled by volunteers in the past.

  • Chairperson

  • Treasurer

  • Deputy chairperson

Chairperson position description:

The Chair will:

  • Establish, in consultation with the Executive Officer, the agenda for all Board meetings and chair all Board meetings provided that in their absence the Deputy Chair or in their absence a Trustee elected by the Board will chair the meeting.

  • Be an ex-officio member of all Board Committees.

  • Be the official spokesperson for Shocking Pink unless otherwise agreed with the Executive Officer or the Board from time to time or concerning specific matters provided that the Executive Officer will be the official media spokesperson on matters relating to the Shocking Pink program.

  • Be the primary point of contact between the Board and the Executive Officer; be kept fully informed by the Executive Officer of all matters that may be of interest to the Trustees; and conduct regular reviews with the Executive Officer regarding progress on important initiatives and significant issues facing Shocking Pink.

  • Lead the annual process of the Board’s performance review and evaluation.

  • Chair the Board’s process for the evaluation of the Executive Officer ’s performance and provide, in collaboration with other Trustees as appropriate, effective mentoring for the Executive Officer.

Deputy Chair position description:

  • The Deputy Chair will deputise for the Chair in their absence performing all or any of the above roles of the Chair except, without the express agreement of the Chair, the performance evaluation of the Executive Officer, or the review of Board performance.

  • The deputy chair could also hold another position on the board (e.g. treasurer, secretary) or serve as an ordinary trustee

Treasurer position description:

The Treasurer will:

  • Act as the financial advisor to the Board.

  • Ensure, in collaboration with the Executive Officer, that Shocking Pink establishes and maintains proper and accurate accounting records to enable the timely preparation of true and fair accounts and facilitate those accounts to be properly and conveniently audited.

  • Ensure, in consultation with the Executive Officer and the Governance Committee of the Board, that Shocking Pink establish and maintain financial management policies and accounting practices in accordance with relevant regulations and best practice standards.

  • Assist the Executive Officer to manage Shocking Pink’s financial reporting and compliance function.

  • Prepare and present financial reports for Board meetings.

Please email expressions of interest to

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